K. Jared Hosein - (Loss) The Headlights Remind Me

2014-11-07 1

I put back up my stars in the skies,
I see the windmills have started back turning,
I put the meadow back where it lies
After I stopped the Pampas burning.

I opened my briefcase
And I took out the moon
And glued it back onto the light.
I put on the radio,
Put it back in tune
And it does not play our song in the night.

I put the oxen back out to graze,
I gave the King back his crown,
The owl back his lullaby,
And bought a smile back in town.

I fixed those holes, no more drafts,
I put back up the Christmas Tree.
I reprieved my law of hearing no laughs,
So the children can dash around me.

But that familiar walk home
Over the night highway lit
Always reminds me I have lost the person
I used to count the headlights with.

K. Jared Hosein
