Glitches In Life
By Barbara Lynn Terry
Dedicated to my friend and sister
Amy Kerswell
Listen Amy, listen well,
For thee does toll the bell,
Of strangeness and life,
Muttered feelings and strife,
Upon which you write so well,
But don't you worry none,
Cause life can be fun,
You have done it time and again,
With your writings and then,
With a wink and a smile,
You took that extra mile.
Be of great cheer,
And don't ever sneer,
Of a life we know is,
Not so nice but all of this,
Can be overcome as is,
Because we have such
A determination so much,
To not let them win over us,
In our battle to survive,
And our souls to thrive,
In a Life that is unjust and cruel,
But never treat it like a duel,
Because those that hate,
Will wish so to abate,
Their evil, selfish feelings,
When God send them reeling,
Into Satan's Abyss.
So come along sis,
And try to smile,
At the judgement they will get,
When they try to walk the extra mile,
but will not succeed even on a bet.
Barbara Lynn Terry