Deo gratias,
For things that God has done;
Deo gratias,
For earth, sky, rain and sun;
Deo gratias,
For life’s joys, woes and fun;
Deo gratias,
For time to walk and run;
Deo gratias- a song to God on High!
Deo gratias,
For birth upon this earth;
Deo gratias,
For mirth after our death;
Deo gratias,
For warmth from every hearth;
Deo gratias,
For love and food sans dearth;
Deo gratias- a song to God on High!
Deo gratias,
For mercy that God shows;
Deo gratias,
For colorful rainbows;
Deo gratias,
For failure of our foes;
Deo gratias,
For grace by which life goes;
Deo gratias- a song to God on High!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 6-28-2006
Dr John Celes