The rose is a flower to delight and behold
From its scent to its touch it is natures pure gold
With colours and perfumes for all that they’re worth
To be cherished and nurtured right from their birth
From the very beginning of life that they come
A seed to be planted and nurtured like some
With food and love tender from time since begun
They grow up to give pleasure to ev-ery-one
From a bud to begin with that will hit a cord
To the magnificent flowers that are much adored
On stems that are straight and covered in thorns
That are there to protect them from predator’s horns
From the soft touch of the petals so tender and light
To the gnarly old wood that holds them up-right
From blossom and bloom to the end of their day
They are joy to be part of our life all the way
It’s just how I find you like the flower of a rose
Like the soft, gentle petals all sweetness of pose
So tender, so fragile, so sweat and so strong
To be held, nurtured and cherished and loved all along
To be fed with the right mixture of tenderness and love
Encouragement, commitment and faith from above
To allow you to prosper and encourage you to grow
With me as your backstop and to halt any blow
Our life to be lived, enriched by each others care
With joy, laughter and happiness that we will share
To belong to each other with the commitment of life
And we’ll stand strong together to ward off all strife
So join me in a future and let it unfold
As long as we have each other it will be pure gold
We will fight the good fight and together we’ll stand
Always side by side and always hand in hand
Don Stratford © 5 / 5 / 2005
Don Stratford