Mary Nagy - ~The Recruiter Called Today~

2014-11-07 2

The recruiter called today
for my oldest child.
I politely told him
''She's not interested.''
He promised she would have
college paid for,
a very slim chance of being sent to war,
and the pride of being a soldier.

I informed him of her interest
in criminal justice.
I let him know she is going to college
and we will figure out how to finance it.

He sang me the praises of the
Military Police.
Told me of how proud she would be
and how proud I should be if she chose this path.
He explained how if she was working on a degree
she could not be sent into active duty on dangerous lands.
But, in his next breath he told me how she would get her degree
in a much faster pace than in a traditional college setting.

I declined interest
while I pretended to write the number he left for my daughter.
I did tell her about his phone call
but I also told her why I hope she doesn't choose
to be a soldier.

Is my greediness with my childs life a sin?
I know ''somebody has to do it''...
but, I can't bare the thought
of my child being sent to fight in a war.
I realize this is probably very

For that, I'm sorry.
I have lost many things in my lifetime.
My childs life is not one of those things I wish to sacrifice
for the good of my country.
I love my country
but, I love my children more.

**I respect all the soldiers who are willing to fight for their countries. My Grandfather, Father, and Husband have all fought in wars. I am very proud of them all. I am not disrespecting soldiers. I'm just sharing my feelings....I'm not at all claiming they are the ''right'' way to feel. Sincerely, Mary

Mary Nagy