Kay Barcelon - A Friend Named Dimbie

2014-11-07 3

Dimbie? No! He is not gay!
He is just a real disaster
A natural one I’d say
Aussie says he’s wowser
But I don’t really care

He likes to get in the crowd
Normally to watch a fight
When all hell breaks loose
He runs away from the cops
Oh see him run with all his might

He makes me laugh
Gives me stomach cramps
He calls himself a bum
He drinks and he smokes
He likes pubs and goats

Dimbie is a friend
Sings to me when I wish
Tho I don’t hear the music
He is sincere with the lyrics
It makes me want to weep

For the ladies and women
Who ignored and loathed
You are missing a great gent
You can enjoy and gloat
His name is Dimbie and he is a friend

Kay Barcelon
