You know how it feels...
when your feeling really down...
when you feel you've lost everything,
and you can't find the ground?
Do you know how it feels...
when you start to lose control...
when you start to question everything,
and even question your soul?
It happens all of a sudden,
you know your future doesn't look right...
your past starts to haunt you,
and you lose your will to fight.
With the absence of love in your life,
your world becomes a scrambled mess.
Everything starts to hit you wrong,
and you feel yourself regress.
You feel yourself begin to wither,
as you hope and pray for a fresh start.
It's a feeling recognized by all of us...
it's the feeling of a broken heart! ! !
To E.M. thinking about you...about us...missing both.
Copyright©2004 Shelly Price
All Rights Reserved
Shelly Price