gordon coombes - poems gutted like dead fish

2014-11-07 17

poems gutted like dead fish for the hungry
poems chained to a professor's desk
poems hanging out on street corners
poems pursued by tracking dogs through woods & swamps
poems stripped naked to titillate to amuse the emptied souls of the inane suburban prisoners -

poems blind-folded standing before a firing-squad
poems castrated by the grand inquisitor
poems tortured by the Secret Police
poems accused of attacking the unintelligible majority
poems questioned about their whereabouts on April 1st 3am
poems dismissed without their pensions
poems beaten senseless by Brown- Shirted Christians
poems at a loss for words
poems shouting non-stop for days
poems sodomized by American soldiers
poems becoming refugees sneaking across borders
poems Guillotined in the public square
poems becoming street beggars
poems sitting on their laurels
poems old & crippled
poems drowning in a sea of indifference
poems their leaves falling off left to wither & die
poems their bellies stuffed with jewels
poems too sick to get out of bed
poems infectious quarantined from the general population
poems too in love with themselves -

poems abandoned by friends & family
poems crushed by mortgage payments
poems driving on the wrong-side of the road
poems used to fertilize our gardens
poems dripping from a full golden moon
poems playing hide & seek among the stars
poems on their knees praying for peace
poems never bowing down to anyone
poems cursing a deaf God
poems aborted before their birth
poems their legs spread giving birth to saints & monsters -

poems in need of a haircut
poems having gone bald
poems drunk on wine
poems left for dead
poems breaking wind
poems walk around on stilts
poems wounded & bleeding -

gordon coombes
