Uriah Hamilton - Fragile Heartbeats and Sensuous Mouth

2014-11-07 2

If I close my eyes,
I can see you in a floral dress,
Happy and smiling;
I fall in love with you
All over again
Like the world is new.

I go to the autumn park
Where we used to walk
And I still hear
Your delicate footsteps
Softly touching fallen leaves,
That is the way languorous memories,
Sad and sweet, return to me.

But I’m on my way
To exhilarating, original dreams
Never seen before
In the cinematic landscape
Of my mind.

There will yet be gentle lovers
Who allow me to find
Their aching tenderness;
Spring blooms
Will show me affection,
I’ll never remember rejection.

Come to me now, sweetheart,
With your fragile heartbeats
And sensuous mouth.

Uriah Hamilton
