Professor Poetry Hound - Feeding Tube

2014-11-07 4

Hey, why does the bible say that Jesus had to be
baptized? Baptism is supposed to forgive sins and be
a sign of repentance, right? But if Jesus is God, then
how could God have sinned and thus been in need of
baptism? Doesn’t make any sense. Probably the best
explanation is that Paul or one of the other bible
authors made a mistake. Maybe they’d been drinking
or were just really tired when they wrote that part.

That reminds me, there’s lots of crazy stuff in that
book. The biggest whopper has got to be, “Ask, and it
shall be given you.” Think of how many people have
been duped by that one. Maybe all the hoaxes and
urban legends in the bible are meant to convey
mystery and keep people feeling unsure and paranoid.
That in turn keeps them in a state of awe and then
they can be fed pretty much anything.

Professor Poetry Hound