Dee Daffodil - The Big Rock (Revised)

2014-11-07 1

When I was small,
I had it all.
Beaches to explore,
Trees to climb,
Meadows full of wild flowers,
And of course,
The big rock.

The big rock was huge,
When I was seven,
And upon it I would climb,
With fishin rod in hand,
To stake my claim,
On all that lay below.

This was my rock,
And mine alone.
My safe haven,
My royal throne,
My happy place,
My home sweet home.

From my perch up high,
I could watch the sky,
Or wait for the tides to change.
It was wonderful there,
And so full of life.
A child's safe haven,
Free from all strife.

See part 2...How the Rock Felt

Dee Daffodil