The animal growls menacingly
Continually lunging
Behind the invisible barrier
At my frightened
And blind chocolate lab
Hurrying to pack
This trips memory
I shiver in a
Ninety degree drive
Twenty hours round trip
Every other week
Living out of suitcases
Leaves me feeling disordered
I.N.T.J.s are seldom
Good captives…
The exception,
I am not
Reading to pass the time...
I am struck by:
“Never shall I forget those moments
that murdered my God
and my soul and turned my dreams into ashes.”
I think of the neighbor
Who electrifies
His yard to keep in
A rottweiler
And shoots at
Nutrias with a bb gun
For entertainment
And then, I understand
A bit better
Wiesel’s “Night”*
~ May 31,2006
Somewhere in the Smokies
published: July 2006
Debora Short