Ernestine Northover - An Architectural Dream

2014-11-07 2

I delight in the spires of Churches,
Pointing upwards, to the sky.
Stretching towards the heavens,
With our praises rising high.

They dominate the landscape,
Calling everyone to prayer,
Grey lichen covered pinnacles,
Of stone, layer upon layer.

Built back in another era,
They've repelled strong winds and rain,
Standing stalwart in their dignity,
So steadfast they remain.

Some of them, plain and simple,
Others show carvings so fine,
Each turret carved by unknown hands,
Beauty reflected, in these eyes of mine.

To look at these marvellous steeples,
What talent created their guise,
I feel a profound companionship,
With those Masons, who climbed to the skies.

I delight in the spires of Churches,
Their elevation just stands so supreme,
A wonderful tribute to the faith of man,
And a designer's architectural dream.

© Ernestine Northover

Ernestine Northover