Kristin Nicole RothDavis - Ever~lasting Love

2014-11-07 6

Birds singing in perfect harmony,
Cottonwood blossoms gracefully flowing,
The breeze gently carresses her neckline
Blowing soft kisses, reminding her of last time.
A rush of excitement brushes down her silkend spine.

Children's laughter off to the far side,
Dogs chasing frisbees in the open fields wide,
He glances swiftly as he notices another
Rare form of true beauty,
He reaches out to take her hand,
As she dances to the sound of nature's sweet band.

Everything comes to a brief halt,
They both contiously wonder if it's their fault.
She notices him as he aproaches,
Both hearts a' racing, their distance grows nearer.

Silence wasn't meant to be mistaken,
For it was loud and clearer,
They'd met before, who would ever believe,
Their passion instantly was a'glow,
Some would say she even had a halo.

As the years came and went,
So many special memories spent,
A love so pure, many will endure,
The day they both passed away the sky was
Filled with doves dancing,
People smiling in awe while glancing.

The sun glimmered brightly a'top the clouds,
Sunkissed rays made a transparent glow,
An image so rare and beautiful,
Some would swear the doves carried away her halo.

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

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