Let me get this straight.
If you are mine and I am yours
And we are one,
Then what’s the other one?
The scales wait.
If she is yours and you are hers,
And you are me,
Then through the knot of you
Are we a line,
Your Janus head turned east or west
Or right and left
And am I kept
In dark or light,
Is day now night
Or she exotic wild beyond imagining
Within my wild mind imaging
A kind of mirror rich and strange
Reflecting all the range
Of your complexity,
Or is that me?
Easier to bear: a triangle:
Each point joined, each angle
Regarding each, reflecting each,
Pouring, storing
Juices of our minds’ desire,
Feeding fire
Through the high vibrating wire
Running through each;
And yet let’s get this straight:
If we are one, perplexed
Why do I find
The tortured mind
Of my hearted triangle
The lower apex -
So weighted at my angle?
Linda Hepner