Herbert Nehrlich - Crocodile Dream

2014-11-07 2

A boy who had a scary dream
had nodded off, right near the stream.
His dream now featured crocodiles
that chased the lad for many miles.
A mermaid kicked with legs of steel
the crocodiles who'd chased their meal.
The day was saved and he awoke
when from the water's surface broke
a giant reptile, green and mean
it did disturb the peaceful scene.
The boy, he knew that mermaids don't
have legs and, therefore, that they won't
be able to prevent disaster
though they can swim a trifle faster
than crocodiles, but here's the catch:
Mermaids can never be a match
for reptiles who do chase in streams
a tired boy within his dreams.
The boy believed that mermaids do
kick crocodiles, because it's true.

Herbert Nehrlich
