nimal dunuhinga - A little girl's smile gently soothes my soul

2014-11-07 9

I too like a camel without a tent.
Started my journey; 'The transfer'
Thinking of my loved ones.
Oh! they are very far away.
I left the port of Rabigh on 11th of May,2006
a sunny morning at eight o'clock.
It's a Limousine! and I feel very comfortable like in paradise.
I must thank God for this opportunity.
It takes almost eight hours to reach Duba.
On the way you can see a range of mountains
and a huge endless desert like my wounded poor heart.
Lamp posts and date trees whisper something
but the harsh language is a misunderstanding.
Dusty wind is a lullaby for baby camels.
There are some females in the bus
who travel with their covered faces.
I haven't seen a woman's face since I left home
and it's almost four months now.
A little girl with an open face who smiled with me.
Oh! it's like an Oasis?
This innocent smile has no restrictions
which tells me an unending story without any prejudice.
'My dear uncle you know that life is a journey
from the cradle to graveyard.'
And she questioned me with her poetic manner.
' What do you prefer uncle, either Aladdin's wonderful lamp
or money? '
' I struggle here to collect my scattered family my dear sparrow
and nothing else.'

Dedication to the Editor of

nimal dunuhinga