Pray Until Something Happens,
Or cry till there are no more tears,
Earnestly seek the divine favor of God,
Or let the devil amplify your fears.
Have the Heavenly Father drawback His promise,
Because you doubt that His word is true,
The bible doesn’t promote belief through faith,
And Christ Jesus really doesn’t love you.
Why even bother going to church?
Ever say a prayer or give praise?
Of course everyone goes to paradise,
Signs are wrong these are not the last days.
War, famine and disasters are good things,
The world needs room for new births,
We’ll never see $3.00 a gallon for gas,
Ah, there’s plenty of oil left in the earth.
Hell cannot be all that bad you know,
The heat is good for sore arthritic knees,
At least you won’t have to worry about a cold,
Winter is bad for my sinus and I hate to sneeze.
Besides, God and I have an understanding,
I’ll stay out of His way & He’ll stay out of mine,
Do you know of anyone who thinks like this?
I hear people say these things all of the time.
Until on a plane in the middle of a storm,
Or while driving and they hit a patch of ice,
A loved one is in the hospital on their deathbed,
Pray to God? You don’t have to say it twice.
It’s not necessary to be a rocket scientist or bookworm,
Nor surrounded by advisers like George W. Bush,
Everyday your situation remains the same,
Just get on your knees and P.U.S.H.
Luke Easter