Professor Poetry Hound - Strife Is A Good Thing

2014-11-07 2

You know how it’s usually the people with messed up
lives that turn to Jesus, and how happy people don’t
feel the need to regard Jesus as their savior?

So this is what I was thinking. If you want to get the
happy, well-adjusted people to switch to Jesus, you first
have to introduce strife into their lives. Like maybe you
can get a doctor to tell them they have lung cancer.

Then, when they’re feeling all worried and depressed,
you can walk in and start loudly praying, asking Jesus
to “cure” the cancer.

Later, when they find out they don’t have cancer, you
can claim Jesus cured them and the praying made it

Sure, it’s deception. But if it turns them into believers,
that’s more important than telling the truth.

Besides, as far as deception goes, they were already
deceiving themselves about their lives being good in the
first place, right? Don’t non-believers who have good
lives just drive you nuts?

Professor Poetry Hound