Professor Poetry Hound - Digital Prayers

2014-11-07 2

Last week I realized that I was praying for a lot of the
same things over and over. So what I did was burn a CD
with all my standard prayer themes, you know like bless
my mom and dad, lay the wining lottery ticket on me,
stick a broomstick up Pat Robertson’s ass – the usual
kinds of things. So now I don’t need to waste so much
time praying. I just press “play” on the CD player, and
out go my prayers to Jesus while I can go lounge in my
recliner and watch the ball game. Sometimes I feel bad
about the Pat Robertson part. I mean, it shouldn’t always
be a broomstick. Sometimes Jesus should just cover his
big fat mouth with duct tape. Robertson would probably
blame it on the devil. Little would he know that Jesus was
behind it.

Professor Poetry Hound