I was thinking that Judgment Day might not be
the big phantasmagoric Hollywood laser show
kind of deal that some people think it will be.
It might actually be a fairly low-key affair. And it
might already be happening even as we speak.
I mean, maybe God interprets the “Day” in
Judgment Day very loosely. It’s like when you
say Christ is coming “soon, ” you’re kind of
fuzzy about when “soon” is. So maybe we’re in
the midst of an ongoing Judgment Day, or
maybe we should call it Judgment Year or
Judgment Decade. That means Jesus is among
us now. So how exactly is he going about the
selection process for 6 billion of us? He has to
have a means of reaching lots of people at once,
like maybe he could go on TV. Maybe he’ll
have one of those wacky reality courtroom
shows, where people toss out pathetic excuses
and forget to bring documentation. He could
even dress up like a girl and call the show
“Judgment Judy.”
Professor Poetry Hound