Charlie F. Kane - Holden Caulfield Spells Doom

2014-11-07 0

(Despite been based on a real life event everything else that happens is purely the authors imagination.)
‘The Catcher In The Rye’ by J.D Salinger
Has always been one of my favourite books,
If not my all time favourite.
I remember when we first met,
I had that copy of my book in my hands
In the library as you sat by me.
I remember you asked me
What I was reading,
And it all started from there.
Holden Caulfield led me to love.
We moved from there
And just walked and talked.
We had so many similarities it hurt,
We both love ‘The Catcher in the Rye’
And we both were huge John Lennon fans.

It was all good for those few weeks
We had together,
Sheer bliss of holding you in my arms
As we listened to ‘Imagine’ over and over.
With that in my head
I couldn’t believe you when you said
That you didn’t want to be with me anymore.
I hated the argument we had,
We both said things we didn’t mean.
But I did remember that you said
That you’d only consider being with me
If I got you John Lennon’s autograph.

Well, that was awhile ago,
But I didn’t forget.
I met John Lennon this morning,
And I got this autograph for you.
But I stared to wonder if you
Would only consider loving me again
If I got you John Lennon’s autograph,
What could I do to make you love me
One hundred percent again?
So I saw John Lennon again this afternoon.

I thought it would be fitting that
I was reading ‘The Catcher in the Rye’.

© Charlie F. Kane


Charlie F. Kane