it was the sound of
the daffodils
that woke
the ear of their ear
on the sun’s birthday
and the lilacs of the scent
said it’s time to wake up
so we can dream
and the amazing
of the roses
woke the eye of their eye
and the words tumbled out of bed
and took an April shower
and dressed by the wrong which was right
shook out the box
of breakfast food called freedom
and rush-houred street-wise see them
words came tumbling
dogs they grinned with mastered feelings
cats were caught off-guard washed
to recover their dignity pretty girls felt prettier
as the words sang
no-ones became someones
anyones became everyones
nothing was as it was
because was wasn’t
and isness filled the air
the words danced in the squares
and smiles peopled
the words laughed through the graveyards
dancing on dead minds
laughed through the brothels
making tired whores to smile and
schoolmasters ate their words
in the eyes of their pupils
and the words shouted through the letterboxes
of critics called nameless shameless blameless
come out and play tomorrow with your
words played leapfrog round the toadstools
with each’s other
hand in hand with strangers
laughing till they cried
crying till they laughed
all day it was all day
and therefulness and thenfulness
until the words had scattered
hello among humanunkind
and forming perfectly irregular lines
danced a song and sang a dance
at sunfall dayset nightrise
all happy tired like children
into a farm
called joy
Michael Shepherd