Dr John Celes - Sonnet: Trust God Always

2014-11-07 1

God helped me wade through problems galore but,
My thoughts are pessimistic to the core;
I live in luxury: Yet, want a hut!
I wonder what the future has in store!

The tougher part of life’s journey seems o’er;
I long to have reprieve prolonged in time;
I yearn to be a regular Church-goer!
Lord, Usher in a favorable clime!

The future looks fearsome and depressing!
The Lord who stood by me will not fail me;
He knows when to bestow a great blessing;
My human heart and mind appear wary!

I trust in God and move full steam ahead;
Despite life’s thorns, God gives a rosy bed!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 3-25-2006

Dr John Celes
