Hear ye! Hear ye!
Hear the sounds of war!
The war drum sets the pulse.
Blood shed upon tattered flags
Men dead on scattered rags
Some start to convulse
Putrid smells
Of flame and gas
Infiltrate the land
All who die
Serve a purpose
In their leader's hands
The cost of oil
Is the same of freedom
In the tyrants eyes
Money is invaluable
As is time
But not those who choose to die
Die for their families
Die for beliefs
Die as a martyr
Die for the grief
From that of their loved ones
Who don't understand
Why their child has left them
And has became just another man
One whose not remembered
For the life they've sacrificed
One whose nobly served his men
Whose values are more important than his life
Fight on brave army man
Until the day is done
A soldier leads the life
Of a special one
King Midas