Katelynn Farris - Such a strong word

2014-11-07 11

Love such a strong word
but yet you cant explain it
its just something that is extrodinary

Love such a strong word
You say you love somebody
What this means to me is something like this

You cant stop thinking about them
evertime someone says their name you smile
your heart feels like its floating
you get butterflys in your stomic or feels like its doing flips
you become relaxed when your with them
you want to spend all your time with them

When you break up you cry
still cant stop thinking about them
when someone says their name you weep
your heart has been shattered into one million peaces
the butterflys in your stomic have become spikes
you get really tence when your around them
and you just want to get away
you want to bury yourself in a hole everytime you see them

nobody really know the real deffination of the word love
i dont think anybody really ever will, I think if we knew the real meaning the word love wouldnt be such a meaningful word.

Katelynn Farris


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