Professor Poetry Hound - Hell: The Movie

2014-11-07 5

When you think about Hades, what images do you see?
Is it this huge phantasmagorical nightmare of a place
with a Carmina Burana soundtrack, flash-pots shooting
flames out of the ground, and red-skinned guys with
horns running around tormenting boiling cauldrons full
of wailing sinners, the whole scene conceived and
directed by Steven Spielberg - whoops! Eeew, he's
Jewish! I mean, Mel Gibson - with thunderclaps and
bullwhips and - CUT! ! ! What are all these sheep doing
in the scene? Does the script call for sheep? I'm sort of
surprised to see them, but THEY must be absolutely
shocked to be here. They were so sure they were being
herded in the other direction. Well, I guess their two-bit
proselytizing didn’t do them any good. Okay, let's do
another take. Quiet on the set...

Professor Poetry Hound

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