K. Jared Hosein - (Death) The Leonard Show

2014-11-07 0

I'm ninety years old,
My withered eyes alone can show.
But I'm in a warm place,
And today I'll die, I know.

I say hello to Ethel and Jim,
They struggle with their IV's,
I trudge through the corridor,
They talk in a light wheeze.
'Hey, Lenny, what's hap'nen today! '
I smile my now-crooked face and say,
'Today's I'm going up to the Skyway.'
'Time is short, let me tell Nurse Fay! '

We watch picture shows
'Til late in the afternoon,
I hear them whisper to Nurse Fay,
'Lenny's going to die soon.'
Fay changed the TV station,
Waved her pale hand,
And from Fred Astaire
Came there,
A show that was most grand.

They all came close to me
And we sat there
In that warm place,
And on the TV
Was my once-young face.

Yes, this was how I wanted to go,
It was my life
Flashing right by my eyes
And we all clapped and laughed
And watched the Leonard Show.

K. Jared Hosein
