Brian Joseph Dickenson - Knight Of Old

2014-11-07 3

I’m girding my loins for the war that’s begun
It won’t be a bloody war.
Just one in fun.

I’ve picked up my sword; it’s a tad rusty
But believe you me
It’s ever so trusty.

I’d be the Queen’s champion,
If I had a Queen.
But until I do, I can always dream.

My armour, it’s battered; a little like me
But I’ll fly my flag proudly,
For the enemy to see.

My horse is a donkey, but he doesn't know it.
He’s covered in padding,
So he doesn’t show it.

I need someone now, help me into my saddle
In the old days I could do it,
With a jump and a straddle.

But now I’m aboard, beware all you foe.
Because from here on in
You have nowhere to go.

So stand your ground, let battle commence
For those with no stomach
They can sit on the fence.

I hear the drums drumming, the air it is thrumming
It’s hells own legions,
It’s the enemy coming

Brian Joseph Dickenson