K. Jared Hosein - (Humour) Ode to the Blood Mop Guy

2014-11-07 2

I'm sick of the emo-ing,
Of hearing crybabies going
'Oh boo-fucking-hoo,
I'm a wreck, I'm so sad,
I don't know what to do
She drive me mad.
She no love me, she love him instead,
I know what I should do,
Put a bullet in my head.'

'Oh my life is over,
She did me in,
I can't live without her,
Now I cut my skin.'

'Oh boo-hoo, I'll shoot myself
And nobody could care less.'
Yes, you moron,
The poor guy mopping up your mess.
So for his sake,
Don't kill yourself today
And give the blood mop guy
A happy holiday.

K. Jared Hosein
