Graham Jones - Within Myself.

2014-11-07 4

Another dawn, another day
And so I cope as best they say
To try and find that zest for life
Now filled with turmoil, confusion, strife
Each day another step I know
Awaiting yet another blow
To send me back to steps behind
For though I see I feel I'm blind
This darkness that consumes at times
To blanket body, soul and mind
There is a way, there has to be
If not why struggle desperately?
I want to feel the way I was
Not just if or why because
This is my life, I want it back
To feel a part to interact
Not stood outside and looking in
I want to laugh and smile and grin
To feel that wave of fascination
Or is this down to medication?
If its supposed to make me well
Why is it that I feel like hell? .

Graham Jones