Cecelia Weir - Is It Someone or Somebody?

2014-11-07 1

Someone who never sees
The beauty of a soft driven snow.
Nor understands the rain
When it patters on the roof
Or trickles slowly down
A simple window pane.
Is It Someone Or Somebody?

Someone who never hears
The verbal expressions
Through a tender baby's cry.
Who never feels the pain
Of even a single tear
Falling from anothers eye.
Is It Someone Or Somebody?

Someone who doesn't listen
But later expresses your thoughts
As advice given from themselves.
But never accepts the feeelings
Of one pouring their heart out
And delights in their own doubt?
Is It Someone Or Somebody?

Someone who never feels
True love from anothers soul.
Nor gives voluntarily their heart
Or feels the sincerity
Of life in abundance
Nor reaches out to console.
Is It Someone Or Somebody?

Someone who never thinks to give
Or lend a helping hand.
Believing just their presence
Deserves an ovational stand
And that respect should quickly bow
To this silent entrance demand.
Is It Someone Or Somebody?

Cecelia Weir
