Esther Leclerc - My Fat Feet

2014-11-07 2

They take me where
I wanna go
whether fast
or plodding slow

So short, so wide
six toes seem fair
tho' five each fated
still, people stare

I love my feet
fat tho' they be
I'm quite attached
to them you see

I take them here...
I take them there...
Or rather more,
they take me where

ever it is I
wish to travel
on roads of pitch,
of dust and gravel

When they hurt I
baby them well
Rare is the day
when e'er they smell

Sweet and honest
my sausage toes,
How I love them
fair like the rose

Now to bed I
put these cuties
snuggled up in
fuzzy booties

Goodnight good friends
Sleep well my dears
A new day dawns
tomorrow - Cheers


Esther Leclerc