sylvia spencer - Middle Age

2014-11-07 2

Middle age has a balance,
between the young and old.
I sometimes feel it's better,
Than a shining pot of gold.
It gives you all the things,
that life has, not had before.
Yet you seem to work harder,
just to give you that little bit more.
This time of life, becomes crowded,
with multi coloured things.
Then along come the grandchildren,
who become tied to your strings.
Then this becomes rewarding,
so steady and kind.
You have learnt, through your experience,
to cast an eye that's blind.
Middle age finds deep understanding,
which moulds instead of breaks,
and helps to bind up ugly wounds,
made by other peoples mistakes.
If you get through your chapter
and it's time to turn the page.
Dont be sad and down hearted,
because you have reached old age.

sylvia spencer