Professor Poetry Hound - The Sins of Jesus

2014-11-07 1

Do you really think Jesus is sitting on a throne?
Boy, that sure makes him seem elitist and remote,
and it compounds the image problem he already
has as a do-nothing when it comes to dealing with
the world’s problems, wouldn’t you agree?

I mean, he didn’t lift a finger to prevent genocides
by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin.
And he just sits on his hands as people perish
in earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes.
Basically, he’s been a no-show
for at least a century.

And then when we die, we’re going to
find him sitting on a throne
having the gall to pass judgment on us?
And his judgment will be based on
the self-centered notion of whether
we loved him or not?

Well let me tell you, I’ll be pretty steamed,
and I’ll feel obliged to scold him for
lying down on the job.
Even if he admits to being lazy,
I will have a hard time forgiving him.
He needs to repent big time.

Professor Poetry Hound