How To Reduce Interruptions And Get More Done (Even If You Don’t Have An Office Door)

2014-11-07 9

Most people never seem to have enough time. If you’re a manager that problem can be significantly worse.

Think about all the little interruptions you have to deal with every day: the office “chatty Cathy” who happens to stop by or call just to say “hi”. Maybe you have yet ANOTHER meeting with a vaguely defined purpose that won’t really accomplish much. Maybe your colleagues write you an email and expect a reply almost instantly?
It can be very hard to get into a groove when you’re facing these kinds of interruptions. Are they just part of life? Do you just have to accept them as part of being in an office and work around them?
Not at all!There are some very easy strategies you could employ today to help reduce and even eliminate these interruptions. You can reclaim your time. It doesn’t have to be this way! Learn how: