Professor Poetry Hound - Time Machine

2014-11-07 3

Wouldn’t it be cool to have a time machine
so you could go back and meet Jesus?

You could join up with him early on
and become a member of his entourage.

When he performed a miracle
you could just act all blasé
as if you’ve seen it all before.

People would think you were one cool dude
hanging with the savior.

But remember that Jesus traveled around quite a bit,
and you’ll probably have a hard time keeping up with him
in your current physical condition.

I can just see you huffing and puffing,
bringing up the rear,
and calling out, “Hey, you guys, wait up! ”

So maybe you should consider
doing something about that gut of yours.

Get your butt out of that recliner
and just say no to those Ding Dongs and Ho Ho’s
you’ve been religiously stuffing down your throat.

And really, if you’re going to meet the Lord,
you could at least change your shirt once in awhile.
For chrissakes, show a little respect!

Professor Poetry Hound