Professor Poetry Hound - Composite Faith

2014-11-07 2

Why do you think God created so many religions?
Maybe he wasn’t thinking straight and didn’t
anticipate how annoying they would become,
always running around claiming they’re the only
way. It’s not like any of them can prove it. I believe
God would be pleased if we formed a single
religion out of the best parts of all the existing ones.
For instance, Buddhism could contribute serenity
and peacefulness. Judaism could contribute
intellectual thought and lox & bagels. I think
Christianity should contribute the music. No, not
those cheesy Christian rock bands. Gospel music,
man! Er, I don’t think we need anything from
Scientology – well, maybe some John Travolta DVDs.
And one thing’s for sure: Islam will just have to
contribute all those virgins you get after you die.

Professor Poetry Hound