Professor Poetry Hound - More and More Gays

2014-11-07 4

You know how there are more and more
gay preachers and gay Christian

At first, I thought oh boy, are they ever
going to be in trouble. Like maybe God
will fire some lightning bolts down on
them or send mini-biblical floods into
their condo units.

But nothing like that has happened. No
smiting. No floods.

What’s God waiting for? To punish them
after they’re dead? That’s no good,
because in the mean time they’re
spreading the gay Christian word to
more and more people.

So I have to believe that God doesn’t
really mind.

I actually prayed to Jesus about this. I
told him that if he supported gays in the
church he should NOT say anything to
me. Sure enough, he didn’t say anything.
So now I know he doesn’t care if people
are gay. He's probably too busy with
other stuff anyway.

Next, I think I’ll ask him if Dracula really
hates crucifixes or if that’s just an old
wives tale.

Professor Poetry Hound