Tom Prato - Faith's Touch, Faith's Wonder

2014-11-07 0

“That I might touch the hem of His garment,
Reach down and touch the tassel of blue.”
Breaking the stern Levitical commandment
Which declared her defiled and under a curse
[Chapter fifteen, dreaded twenty-fifth verse],
She stooped and touched – and oh the feeling
Of coming out of a grave, of instant healing,
The flow arrested, and resurrection health!

Those painful years of perpetual pleading
With Jewish physicians, adept in bleeding
Patients to death; broken and bleeding,
She had lost all her wealth.
She stooped and touched – her heart reeling
With torrents of joy at the miracle of healing;
She came and fell at the feet of the Lord
[Jesus, Saviour, Healer, God! ];
Narrated her story, fearing and trembling,
The terrible years of quacksalving remembering,
Tears of joy she could not arrest. The disciples’ blunder,
Ignorant of faith [its touch and wonder],
Unable to grasp the Lord's benediction:
“Your faith has healed you; be healed of your affliction! ”

Tom Prato