Graham Jones - Fear Haunts The Eyes.

2014-11-07 0

Fear haunts the eyes, of the terrified young
Slaughter replacing, days once filled with fun
Streets full of laughter, now places of dread
Market squares littered, with the dying and dead

Tiny hands clenching, coats tattered and torn
Relying on mothers, to keep them from harm
Cordite and dust, still thick in the air
Stinging their eyes, now filled with despair

Truely an age of innocence passed
Drawing on breath, which may be their last
Brought into a world, full of violence and hate
What kind of impression, do we hope to create

The youth of today has ourfuture on hold
Bitter and twisted, we created the mould
No love or affection, just the will to deprive
How can we as a race, ever hope to survive.

Graham Jones