Becky LaPrarie - 'HE KNEW HIS DESTINY'

2014-11-07 1

Into this world Jesus came
As mere flesh and bone
He came for our sins to atone

This babe, this glorious babe so pure
Came and suffered the punishment
As he died for mankind’s sin
Yes much grief and pain did he
Our Lord “Jesus” endure

What a price to pay for mankind whom
His genuine love we did not deserve
Yet through his righteousness
And by spilling his precious blood
He washed away our sins-like
Unto a great flood!

By dieing that awful day our sins were washed
Away with that first dropp of blood
He left with us his promise to arise again
His thirst was not quenched as the blood ran freely
Down his skin

Without Jesus’ birth and death upon Calvary
We would have been destroyed never to be
Remembered again
Then there would have been no
Way to cover our multitude of sin

He knew his destiny
Yet for you and I he still chose to die
He loved us so much he wanted to give
Us the chance of eternal life
With him most high
©Copyright 1999 Becky LaPrarie

Becky LaPrarie