I've often pondered in my heart
Why all the aches and pain?
I've often wondered since you've been gone
When will I ever see you again?
I miss you both so much
But, I guess no pain no gain,
But sometimes it gets unbearable
Tell me, when will I ever see you again?
I go through each and everyday
Imagining I see your faces,
Oh...... the joy of hearing your voices
When will I ever see you again?
Each day seems null and void
Nothing refills this emptiness in my heart,
It really hurts to lose a love one
When will I ever see you again?
God came one day and got my Dad
Not long after that, He took Mom too,
Everyday is filled with nothing but rain
Please tell me, Will I ever see you again?
I know God is coming back one day
He'll move all tears and pain,
And when this happens, I'll no longer have to wonder
If I will ever see you again.
We will walk one day
Down the streets of gold,
With smiles of everlasting joy
No more sickness, no more pain
For I will be with you again.
Submitted by, Linda Stroud
Date: May 5th 2005
Linda Stroud