Mary Nagy - Can I Buy A Cheat Sheet For Gods Test?

2014-11-07 0

When we get to Heaven...
will there be a type of ''customs''
we have to pass through?
Will there be a test?
What will the questions look like?
Multiple choice, I hope...
I always do better on multiple choice tests.

Maybe this would be a sample question:

1. When I pass somebody in obvious need I:

A. Walk by and pretend I didn't see them.
B. Stop and offer help (and hope they decline) .
C. Stop and help.
D. None of the above...I don't see anyone else but myself.

Or, maybe they would be questions that we can give a
''never, sometimes, most of the time, always''
type of answer.


1. I thought about other people's feelings:
___Most of the time

I've given this some thought
not because I have an unexplainable amount of test anxiety.
Rather, I have an unexplainable fear
of not living my life as it was intended to be lived.

And, will this be ''graded on a curve''?

Mary Nagy