2014-11-07 2

Amidst life’s storms I find myself
Feeling that I don’t belong here for long
It is revealed to me that pain and suffering
Shall not forever prolong

Though amidst life’s trials and tribulations
We remain here today yet God feels our
Agony when we mourn
As unto him we fervently pray

One’s trials seems so small in comparison
To what our dear Jesus did endure
That huge sacrifice he offered all
As he was tormented upon Calvary
His death made it possible for us to be purified

Amidst life’s ups and downs I stand amazed
And know that even now I am truly blessed
At this point in my life

We are often blinded by the truth
Itself for deceit has been around us for so long
Yet if we remain in Christ and he in us
Deceit from Satan cannot prolong

Amidst life’s trials Jesus can be found
For his words said “he shall never forsake us”
Nor leave our side
If you truly love Jesus my friends
His love and mercy and goodness you
Simply cannot deny!
©Copyright 2005 Becky LaPrarie

Becky LaPrarie