Professor Poetry Hound - Trumpets, Part 1

2014-11-07 4

Someone told me that when Jesus returns he is
going to be playing a trumpet. Is that true?

Well, that got me to thinking about what kind of
music he might play. Will it be some complex
modal thing like Wynton Marsalis or Miles Davis
might play? That would be way cool but I can’t
imagine he would do that. I mean, I just don’t see
jazz on the Judgment Day soundtrack, do you?
And I think it would look silly for Jesus to be
walking down the street playing jazz trumpet. His
return should have more of a grandiose look to it.

So what kind of music will it be? I know what
you’re thinking – some kind of majestic heralding
bugle thing, right? But that might come off
sounding like some dopey gladiator movie, and
people might think Victor Mature is returning
instead of Jesus. Gladiator bugles would be too
contrived. People might even laugh at the
hokiness of it and you certainly don’t want that
happening on such a momentous occasion.

I was also thinking that Jesus might want to
consider handing off the trumpet duties to an
assistant or have it prerecorded because he’ll be
busy with the human selection process – saving
some people and sending others to their demise.
I just hope he doesn’t do that on a railroad
platform. I mean, Judgment Day is going to have
unavoidable Holocaust overtones anyway, so he
probably should go easy on the Auschwitz visuals.

Professor Poetry Hound

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