Wide awake at 3: 40 in the morning
the full moon immaculate in my intimate dreams.
Such never-ending splendor.
I began scribbling at once
the splendid sphere demanding a response
also, the passionate expectation
this one would be a winner
bringing tears of joy to forlorn souls.
Ten minutes later no go
mush, so I put up Yamamoto Ginger Green Tea
from Japan, first tasted in 1690
by the Tokugawa Shogunate,
the words still swirling in my mind
without a proper place
when the flame somehow
ignited my shirt searing the skin.
I quickly put it out
but a moment later the utter dread
of burning to death became so real
I felt my blood bubbling into oblivion.
Of course, I dumped the cloth into the garbage
then grabbed a massive magic marker
to engrave the ultimate version on the kitchen wall:
Forget the moon
Watch the flame.
Charles Chaim Wax