Linda Ori - Transition

2014-11-07 3

A searing pain deep in his chest
And crimson all around,
The once magnificent warrior
Now lies still upon the ground;

A single shaft within his grasp
Has done the awful deed -
A piercing blade has cleft the heart
And left him there to bleed;

With clouding eyes and ragged breath
A chill cuts to the bone,
Although the sun rides high above,
His body turns to stone;

No feeling now but wonder
At the broken man below -
A hollowed-out reflection
Of someone he used to know,

Awareness of a blinding light
Through eyes that cannot see -
A voice so sweetly beckoning,
'Come now my son to me';

A feeling of contentment,
Of serenity and love
Surrounds the mighty warrior
As he lingers high above

The fading once proud body....................
'You must come now, my son -
This battle has been finished,
There are new wars to be won.'

Linda Ori