Bill Grace - Wife's Rose As A Vector Of Love Around Aunt Ruth's Vase

2014-11-07 3

At 'Sans Souci' I witnessed
A fresh rose upon Frederick's grave
That made tremendous impression
It seeming not to be an act of official care,
This thing of roses and love holding an abiding attraction.

So, to this line's creation
I have your ancient bud vase of slender neck - once elegant -
Faux silver finish now intimating pewter
With luck at a good garage sale
It might fetch a dollar or even two.

To me it is a treasure
Worth more than its cost to hold
Loaded this eveining with a fresh rose
As with all matters of great love
As a vector of love I do not know
If that rose is a rose
That lives from or for you
Though you are long gone from view.

Bill Grace