Be prepared in and out of season, to give all men a heartfelt reason,
For all the peace you have within, through the hope you have in Him.
The Hope we have in Jesus Christ, the sure hope of an Eternal Life,
An Eternal Life with Christ our Lord, in Heaven with Him forevermore.
We must point all men to the cross, that place of comfort for the lost,
Where Christ had died for all of us, where all believers put their trust.
Friend, our trust is in The Sacrifice, of God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ,
The Sinless Lamb for sinful men, The Lord who died for all my friend.
Christ gives to believers a New Birth, while we’re still upon this earth,
Upon the moment that we believed, The Holy Spirit we then received.
The Spirit was sent by Jesus Christ, for guiding us in this present life,
To guide us through all the years, until that day when Christ appears.
Friend, all our hope is found in Him, The One who died for all our sin,
And this hope we have my friend, unlike life on earth, shall never end.
When Christ died and rose again, He secured eternal life for all men,
And very soon Believers shall rise, to meet our Lord above the skies.
Friend, our Hope is really a guarantee, that we shall live for Eternity,
The Hope in what we can not see, through Christ will become reality.
And this Hope is for all my friend, for life on this earth is not the end,
Today put your hope in Jesus Christ, and you will inherit Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©01/2006)
Bob Gotti